

Change: "List all Order Projections" has a new output field, a new Query Parameter, and a change in behavior to existing Query Parameters.

  • revenueSourceId and revenueSourceName have been added as outputs within the stationProjection details.

  • minimumModifiedUtc is now available as a query parameter, using it will limit results to only orders whose projections have changed since the provided UTC timestamp value.

  • The revenueSource query parameter will now limit results to only projections tied to that revenue source, even if a particular order includes projection data tied to multiple revenue sources.

  • The station query parameter will now limit results to only projections tied to that station, even if a particular order includes projection data tied to multiple revenue stations.

Fix: NTR revenue was excluded from totals on "List all Order Summaries".

  • A fix has been applied to include all NTR revenue on Order Summaries.

Fix: GraphQL argument minimumModifiedUtc was not filtering correctly for "Clients".

  • In GraphQL for Clients minimumModifiedUtc, it is filtering now.


Change: "eInvoiceId" has been added as an output when calling 'List all Invoices for a given company'.

  • For List all Invoices, "eInvoiceId" is now returned in the response body.

New: A new endpoint is available to retrieve a PDF version of an electronic Invoice.

  • For any Electronic Invoice, the PDF version of that Invoice can now be generated at .

  • The eInvoiceId for the invoice should be passed through.


Change: "advertiserId" and "agencyId" now available as query parameters for the endpoints below.

  • salesData, Invoices, payments, paymentSummary, adjustmentsData, adjustmentsDataSummary.

Change: "transactionNumber" now available as query parameters for the endpoints below.

  • salesData, Invoices, payments, paymentSummary, adjustmentsData, adjustmentsDataSummary.

Change: "externalClientNumber" now available as query parameters for the clients endpoints.

  • Providing externalClientNumber will allow filtering clients by external system ID.

Change: "tradeType" now available as query parameters for orderSummaries.

  • Providing tradeType will allow orderSumamries to be filtered by either 'Cash' or 'Trade'. The field was also added as output in the response body.

Change: "lineNumber" is now available as part of the response body for orderDetails.

  • Within the Line array, each line will return its lineNumber from the traffic system.

Change: "billingFrequency" is now available as part of the response body for order summaries and orderDetails.

  • Will return the Billing Frequency assigned to the order from the traffic system, e.g. MonthlyCalendar, MonthlyStandardBroadcast, EndOfSchedule.

Change: "logDescription" is now available as part of the response body for spots and media.

  • Returns log description field for Visual Traffic and Product from Marketron traffic.

Fix: Incorrect tradeType for Visual Traffic invoices.

  • Correction has been made where Visual Traffic invoices were not correctly returning the tradeType for the Invoice.


Change: "List all AR PaymentSummary" no longer returns the station as part of the paymentAppliedTo details.

  • For List all AR PaymentSummary, the paymentAppliedTo detail only group by invoice number. They previously were grouped by Invoice Number / station combination. The station is no longer returned as part of the paymentAppliedTo details.

Change: AR endpoints have a new Query Parameter and response field of "tradeType".

  • This change applies to the following endpoints.

    • List all Invoices for a given company.
    • List all AR Adjustments for a given company.
    • List all AR Adjustment Summary for a given company.
    • List all AR Payment Summary for a given company.
    • List all AR Payments for a given company.

  • For these endpoints, "tradeType" can be used as a query parameter to filter results. Supported values are Cash and Trade. If Cash is passed as the Query Parameter transactions with values tied to a Revenue Source not identified as trade will be returned. If Trade is passed as the Query Parameter transactions with values tied to a Revenue Source identified as trade will be returned. If a transaction has values of both kinds, it will always be returned in the results.

  • "tradeType" is also now returned in the response body.


Change: "Clients" endpoint now returns primary contact in root of response body.

  • For List Clients and List Client Details, the root of the response body will return the primary contact’s information if one is assigned. All contacts tied to the client will continue to be returned as an array of "contacts".

Fix: "Clients" endpoint field lastName updated to use correct camelCasing.

  • For List Clients and List Client Details, the "contacts" array field of "lastName", has been updated to use correct camelCasing, previously the field was labeled "lastname".


Change: "List all AR Aging Summary" additional query parameters.

  • For List all AR Aging Summary includeAgency and agingMethod have been added as query parameters.

    • includeAgency: 1(include) will group values by Agency/Client combination. 0 (Not-Include) is the default, will group amounts only by client.
    • agingMethod: Calendar, the default, will age amounts by month. Daily will age amounts strictly by the number of days from the invoice date.

New: List all Payment Summary.

  • A new endpoint is available providing payment data summarized with all its details.

Change: "Data Subscriptions" now supports Media data set.

Fix: GraphQL arguments sent as Variables.

  • When calling the Marketron Data API via GraphQL, in some scenarios if the arguments were sent as variables they would produce an errors.


Change: "List clients" additional fields.

  • For List Clients endpoint externalClientNumber and secondaryProductCodeId have been added as outputs.

    • externalClientNumber: Number assigned to a client representing an external system’s ID for the advertiser or agency.
    • secondaryProductCodeId: The secondary product code assigned to the client.

New: List all AR Adjustment Summary.

  • A new endpoint is available providing adjustment data summarized with all its details.

Change: "List Order details" now sorted by originatedDate.


Fix: “commissionAmount” calculation has been corrected on List Order Details.

  • When calling the List Order Details, in some scenarios the commission amount was being calculated incorrectly on the order line.


Change: "List Order details" support for minimumOriginatedDate.

  • For Order Details endpoint minimumOriginatedDate is now available in the response body and as a query parameter to filter the results by. The field "minimumOriginatedDate" represents the date the order was first created in the originating system, whether traffic or an external system.

Fix: "hasMore" on pageInfo corrected.

  • When calling the REST Data API and paging your requests, the last page displayed hasMore = 'true'. This has been corrected and hasMore = 'false', when on the last page of a request.


New: List all AR Aging Summary for a given company.

  • A new endpoint has been made available for providing aging data summarized by Advertiser / Agency.


Change: Query Parameters “minimumOriginatedDate” and “maximumOriginatedDate” have been added for the Order Summaries endpoint.

  • When making a call to retrieve Order Summaries using these query parameters will filter results to only Orders who were originated on the specified dates. An order’s “Originated Date” represents the date the order was first physically created in a system.

Change: Spots new fields.

  • For “List Spots” endpoint the fields “clientCode” and “clientName” have been relabeled to “advertiserId” and “advertiserName”. Additionally, two new fields have been added to the response body, “orderId” and “lineId”.

Change: Spots filter by “Scheduled Status”.

  • For “List Spots” endpoint a new query parameter has been made available, to filter results by the Spots Scheduled Status. (Scheduled, Reconciled, Bumped).

Fix: Product Code NULL on Order Details.

  • A fix has been made to correctly return productCode tied to the line for “List Order Details” endpoint.

Fix: Argument “minimumModifiedUtc” missing in GraphQL Data API.

  • GraphQL Data API was missing the argument “minimumModifiedUtc” , it has been added.


New: POST or PUT or PATCH a Particular Revenue Source.

  • New endpoints are now available to POST or PUT or PATCH a RevenueSource.

New: POST or PUT or PATCH a Particular AccountExecutive

  • New endpoints are now available to POST or PUT or PATCH a AccountExecutive.


New: POST or PUT or PATCH a Particular Product Code

  • New endpoints are now available to POST or PUT or PATCH a ProductCode.

Change: Option to filter "minimumOriginatedDate", "maximumOriginatedDate" on Order Summaries

  • For “List OrderSummaries” a new query parameters "minimumOriginatedDate", "maximumOriginatedDate" has been added.

  • The returned data for “List OrderSummaries” has been expanded. Each OrderSummaries object now returns a new property "originatedDate".


Change: Expanded Client Data (Advertisers and Agencies)

  • The “List Clients and Client Details” API has been expanded. Each client object now returns a new field "CreditPolicy".

Change: Expanded Spot Data

  • The returned data for “List Spots” has been expanded. Each spot object now returns a new field "ScheduleStatus"(e.g. Scheduled, Reconciled, Bumped).

Change: Expanded Sales / Invoice Data

  • “List Sales Data” has been expanded, each invoice object now returns 2 new fields "SalesTypeId" and "SalesCategoryId". Invoice Details will be grouped by Station, Revenue Source, Sales Category Type, Sales Type.


Change: Expanded Client Data (Advertisers and Agencies)

  • The returned data for “List Clients” has been expanded. Each client object now supports one or many addresses, account executives and contacts associated with the client.

Change: Order Summaries Can Be Searched by Multiple Client (Advertisers/Agencies) GUIDs

  • For “List all Order Summaries for a given company,” the query parameters “advertiserIds” and “agencyIds” now each support single or multiple GUIDs to be passed through

Change: Option to "includeNtr" Value on Order Projections

  • For “List all Order Projections for a given company,” a new query parameter “includeNtr” (True\False) has been added; default is True.

  • If set to True, NTR line values will be included in returned projection values.

  • If set to False, NTR line values will not be included in returned projection values.